Can you believe that I almost gave up? I almost believed the lies of the enemy? I almost said BUMP MINISTRY??!!! Yep, ME. the one who has launched a ministry, life coaching/mentoring business, pray for individuals DAILY, encourage God's people daily, was about to G I V E IT ALL UP!! I'm certain you're wanting to know why, and why didn't you? I'm so glad you asked......
My reasons of almost giving up were SELFISH! My kids had acted out in a way that gut punched me and from my prior to being healed self, I would RUN in the time of adversary. I have/had a little Moses in me, lol, that will activate and RUN when things get a bit tight. The reason I didn't this time is because I decided to use my kingdom tribe who. began encouraging me and praying for me, letting me know that I wasn't alone and that I could not allow a situation of many, to keep me from what God said! They were absolutely right and I'm so thankful that I was able to receive from them in the time where I was convinced running was the ANSWER! ( This is a prime reason why I created this virtual platform. you never have to endure alone). I got myself up and went to pray for myself and REPENTED for the thought to REBEL, all because something got TOUGH?! Man, aren't we thankful that we serve a father who never leaves us even when we are QUICK to LEAVE HIM?! Is it just me who chooses to REBEL on our Father at the first sign of TROUBLE?? If so, I highly encourage you not to be like ya good sis K.
Why am I sharing this with you all? In this journey and walk with Christ, you will experience tough times. Holy Spirit led me to this scripture that blessed me and helped me move forward in choosing to ENDURE versus RUN from him. Matthew 24:13 NLT "But the one who ENDURES to the end will be SAVED"! In your hard times, ENDURE, because in the end YOU will be SAVED. There is no experience you will face that. you won't be able to get through. It will birth a new level of Faith in you because you are serving a Father who can't lie, can't and won't ever fail you, nor leave you. YOU ARE IN GREAT HANDS! KEEP GOING!
I love you all