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Writer's pictureTiffany - The Mindset Strategist

What’s in the way??!

Imagine this entire time you’ve been waiting on God to answer a prayer that you strongly desire but isn’t in HIS WILL??!! During a session with a mentee, tonight Holy Spirit spoke this to us. Imagine being upset with God and mad and stopped praying and turn your back on God because the very thing you’re desiring God hasn’t even promised you that!! If he promised you the desire but in a different way!!! Now, what??!

In 1 John 5:14 ”And this is the confidence that we have in HIM, that, IF we ask anything according to his will, he HEARETH US:

So you see, this will keep us from waiting and getting upset when God hasn’t answered prayer or given us a promise that we have been waiting for that isn’t according to HIS will for US!!! Let’s do as the Holy Biblical instructions guide us through life. Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be ADDED unto YOU. You following where Holy Spirit is taking us on tonight?!

This is FREEING to know if we just let go and truly LET GOD, we will receive all that he has for us, which are way better than what we can ever want for ourselves. What is in the way of you and God? Why can’t he get to you? What desire have you made your god and is blocking what he has promised you?! Evaluate some things and remove them as Holy Spirit instructs you to do. God hasn’t kept his promises from you, you haven’t allowed him to give you HIS PROMISES!!

Be blessed Eagles 💛

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