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Writer's pictureTiffany - The Mindset Strategist


Heyyyy my Kingdom Citizens. Does it feel amazing to know that we don't do things as the world does? Like we can sit back and watch how the laws they publish daily to take away our rights as citizens are laughable?! Especially the ones that go against the order of God and his kingdom. Whew, I am so glad he CHOSE US, pulled us out of darkness and into his marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9). Let's put a praise on that there because whew that just blessed meeeee

Maturity! We hear this ofter as a kid and as we are entering into that age where our parents would tell us "we smelling ourselves" and thinking that we are grown but still "wet behind the ears" (man the things we grew up on hearing our old folk talk lol). As we grow up in the word of God, he commands us to mature in him and his word so that we will not have to continue repeating the basics and never growing. Why is this important? Think about you as a kid and look at you today as an adult. If you never matured (many hasn't), you would still be operating from the basics of learning and would be delayed in your adult life. As in the body of Christ we need to mature in him so that we won't continue being tricked by the enemy and stuck at the place of repentance. We can't go from glory to glory, faith to faith, without the understanding of Christ, fully! Let us take a read from God in Hebrews. Hebrews 6:1 NLT "So let us stop going over the basic teachings about Christ again and again. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding. Surely we don't need to start again with the fundamental importance of repenting from evil deeds and placing our faith in God"

So you see, just like our parents taught us and expected us to grow up and mature to have more understanding before entering the real world of responsibility, this is the same as being in the body of Christ. We have to have maturity and knowledge to enter into the spiritual realm to do the work from the lord. Let us mature each day by communing with Holy Spirit so that he can send us out to his harvest and introduce our Father to those who don't know him.

Stay Anchored Family

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