Familyyyyy. I trust that you all had an amazing weekend. As I continue to sit before God and ask him the questions that we his children need, I realize the heart of our Father concerning us. One of the questions I recently asked him was, "what is the battle we are fighting when it comes to choosing you wholeheartedly". Now at times I ask with timidity because babbyyyyyy, he is going to ALWAYS come with the TRUTH and check ME FIRST lol. I love that for me though because yes pops CHASTISE MEE.. (only way we will grow) ANYWHOOOO
Holy Spirit began to explain why we the children battle so much in walking with him. "My children want to add to me and my plans that I have set for them. They choose me only when it's convenient and joyful only when the things they want, are flowing the way they want them too. My children wants me and the thing they "desire". When I instruct that they give that up for me, that is when the joy subsides, and it then becomes hard to follow me and my plan. My desires are far greater than what you believe you desire for yourselves. I will never force my will on you, but my desire is that you would choose me".
CHILDREN OF GOD!!! We have to make a choice and pick a side. His mercy has allowed us to see what it is like to choose our own and has redeemed us from the result of those choices.. His unconditional love, desires us to choose him and his perfect plan for our life, even when we choose our own over him. I know personally what it is like to have to say NO to what I once loved, What I once called LIVING, what I once thought was ALL I NEEDED. I STILL have to say NO DAILY! Not because it's easy but because MY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. If you look back and take inventory on what you have GAINED by choosing your OWN desires, will, and way over God, why are you still seeking for more things? If you made your choice, shouldn't you be satisfied and fulfilled? Take a second and sit with that observation.
You can't live a life of lukewarm and believe that God is pleased. In Revelation 3:15-17 (NLT) "I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! 16. But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! You say "I a rich. I have everything I want. I don't need a thing!' And you don't realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked"
Stay Anchored in God family. Safest place to be in.
I love you. Jesus loves you
If you are ready to take back your life from the enemy and the unbelief, that is keeping you stuck, schedule your session TODAY! This year is coming to a close quickly! Are you really about to end it the same as you started??!! You don't have too. I am here to walk with you through the journey. See you soon.