Holy Spirit spoke this to me one time in prayer. "many treat me as an accessory and not a necessity"! WAYMENT........
I immediately was heart broken and went into prayer and repented, SERIOUSLY! We all know what it is like to be USED, and baby it doesn't feel great at all. Agree? To know that we USE the Holy Spirit in a way to ONLY APPEAR GOOD, is almost like blasphemy in my opinion. Blasphemy is when we reject Holy Spirit, so yea, this is quit similar. ..whewwww. I know many that read this will probably get defensive and say I WOULD NEVER DO THAT...Well let's take a look at how he said we use him as only an accessory.
When life is "lifing (by the way this word makes my skin crawl) ohhh Holy Spirit come and help me.
When you are doing what it is you want to do and all is good - he becomes non existent.
When you are applying for a job, prayer becomes a whole thing because you are in need.
When you get the job, bank acct good, bae paying you some consistent attention, who is Holy Spirit
Then when you look up and realize that the things you've been "waiting" on or what you believe he has promised you isn't in your natural view, "I am mad/Hate, at God". "I don't feel like praying", "I just need a break from all things church". "I need to get myself together"
It's TIGHT ya'll but listen, we have to get from this place of only using Holy spirit for our gain. We NEED him which is why Jesus said "And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever—John 14:16
Don't allow this world that want you to speak affirmations over your day that only lead you to be self-sufficient when you can't do a thing apart from our Father. Repent! Put Holy Spirit back on the throne of your heart, mind, and soul. He isn't meant to only be used when you are in trouble, he is to be your helper all day, all ways, in all things. HE IS A NECESSITY. READILY AVAILABLE TO HELP YOU.
Go with God, Stay with God, and don't stop praying.
We are anchored in the word of God. We shall not be shaken.