One #decision will affect the rest of your entire life!!!! If we understood the power in the choices we make, I believe we would be more intentional with STOPPING BEFORE DECIDING!! We desire to have so much #power and #influence that we will make a decision based on the claps, and praises from other people. But what about your Father in Heaven?
Our conduct should be honorable and glorify God! How can we allow our decisions to glorify God and not ourselves at all times? Read these instructions ➡️➡️ In Colossians 3:2 “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth”
If we keep our minds on the things we #love, like, it leads our decisions. You following me. So if we follow the instructions above and keep our minds on Jesus our decisions will glorify him and our life will be just as he planned.
Can I get an Amen in the comments ❤️❤️
What or who is leading your decision making??!