Great Day Eagles‼💛
Listen, I KNOW it’s not just ME that feels the RESSURECTION NEWNESS in the air 🙌🏽🙌🏽😭‼️ It’s like we took a deep inhale and held it and yesterday was able to EXHALE SLOWLY while releasing the OLD! The fact that we were able to exhale with the joy that our savior took it allll to the cross for US so that we are free from depression, anxiety, loneliness, fear, DEATH, overthinking, exhaustion, brokenness, guilt, shame, DEFEAT, medical misdiagnosis, barrenness, HALLELUJAH, double-mindedness, disobedience, pride, addictions, sexual immorality, homosexuality, lying, manipulation, the list goes on!
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ DIED, took the WRATH OF GOD for ME and YOU, so that we can be SAVED from DEATH, HELL AND THE GRAVE! Do y’all feel that NEW RESURRECTED mindset??!!! WE ARE FREE because the son (JESUS CHRIST) set us FREE‼️ Because we accepted him and believed in our hearts, this is what we did when we verbally stated those words;
Romans 6:3-4 “Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into his death? Therefore we have been buried with him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the father, so we too might walk in NEWNESS OF LIFE
So you see, when Christ died OUR OLD SINFUL SELF DIED‼️ And because we BELIEVEEEE when he was RESURRECTED we were as well 🙌🏽🙌🏽 WALK BOLDLY IN YOUR NEW! That OLD life is 🗣DEAD HALLELUJAH
Have a great NEW EVENING EAGLES! Stay connected to the VINE (Jesus) so you can BEAR GREAT FRUIT 🙏🏽
Your Destiny Driver 💛